January 2016

January’s Theme:  Seek Him, Find Him.

I misplaced my glasses the other day. I knew they were somewhere in the house and wasted some time looking. While other readers exist, they are either the wrong strength or have cheap lenses.

At one point I almost quit looking and was willing to settle for those cheap glasses. But I was obsessed. No matter how many times I told myself to give up, to move on and settle for almost being able to read, I couldn’t quit. I just knew they were somewhere in the house.

Finally, I found them under some mail that was carelessly tossed onto the dresser. Oh the relief when I put them on and could do my Bible study without the distraction of trying to focus.

I have actually been through this process many times for items of even less importance or urgency. Yet I obsess in finding the misplaced item.

So if I am willing to spend time, time I could do something else with, looking for stuff, why can’t I seek God with that kind of effort. Why can’t I my focus on Him so much that I won’t quit until I find Him?

I want to seek Him out with such heart that He has to answer.

Matthew 7:7 Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.


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